Design 1710 (Marine tug with a towing force of 40 tons)

Main dimensions
  • Overall hull length, m 30,33
  • Overall hull width, m 9,50
  • Side height at midships from the base lline, m 4,80
  • Draft from the base lline, m 3,30
  • Overall draft, m 4,10
Ship type and general description

The architectural and structural type of the ship – steel, single-hull, welded, twin-screw with adjustable pitch propellers (APP) in rotating nozzles, diesel, single-deck, with an increased freeboard, aft engine room placement, featuring a panoramic view wheelhouse. The towing hook and lateral bitts ensure the towing of vessels in the open sea. The bow winch and bow bitt are designed for guiding (turning) vessels at anchorages and in ports.

Purpose of the ship
  • towing of vessels in the open sea;
  • guiding vessels at anchorages, in ports, and docking (towage and turning operations);
  • navigating in icy conditions (ice class notation Arc5).
Area and operating conditions

Limited sailing area R2 – navigation in marine areas with wave heights of 3-percent probability at 7.0 m, staying no more than 100 miles away from a place of refuge and allowing a distance between places of refuge of no more than 200 miles. In the summer-autumn navigation period in the Arctic, sailing in sparse first-year ice up to 1.0 m thick. In the winter-spring navigation period in the Arctic, sailing in sparse first-year ice up to 0.8 m thick. Year-round navigation in freezing non-Arctic seas.

Rules and regulatory documents

The vessel complies with the requirements of the Rules of the Ship Register, international conventions, sanitary rules, and safety requirements.

Ship class
Building information

One vessel of this project has been built.

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