Design 1510 (Offshore tugboat with 55 tonnes pulling power)

Main dimensions
  • Hull length maximal, m 36,30
  • Overall vessel length, m 37,10
  • Hull width max., m 12,10
  • Overall vessel width, m 12,90
  • Side height at midships from the base lline, m 5,80
  • Draft from the base lline, m 3,60
  • Overall draft, m 5,20
Main characteristics of the vessel
Ship type and general description

Architectural and structural type of the vessel – steel, single-hulled, welded, twin-screw (2 full-turn propeller steering columns), diesel-powered, single-deck, with redundant overwater side, aft location of the engine room, with round-view wheelhouse. A towing tack, stern winch, stern towing fairlead, stern and inboard bittens provide towing of ships and floating structures in the open sea. The bow double-drum winch and bow double-keel beatenges provide for ship escorting (rolling) at roadsteads and in ports, as well as for escorting ships. The vessel is equipped with a system for fighting fires on other vessels and port facilities, and with rescue equipment.

Purpose of the ship
  • work in seaports to service vessels;
  • maritime towing of non-self-propelled vessels and floating structures on sea lines and in coastal areas;
  • rendering assistance to ships in distress in ports and open roads;
  • extinguishing fires on ships, floating and shore objects accessible from the sea;
  • navigation in ice conditions (ice reinforcement category mark LP4).
Area and operating conditions

Limited I navigation area – navigation in sea areas in swell with wave height of 3 per cent 8.5 m, with distance from the place of shelter not more than 200 miles and with permissible distance between places of shelter not more than 400 miles. In the summer-autumn navigation period navigation in thin annual ice up to 0.8 m thick. In the winter-spring navigation period, navigation in thin annual ice up to 0.6 m thick. Method of crossing ice cofferdams – by continuous running.

Rules and regulatory documents

The vessel complies with the requirements of the Rules of the RU, international Conventions. Sanitary Regulations and safety requirements.

Ship class
Building information

Vessel design in construction approved for RU class

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